VIVA Double Curved Ring with Diamonds and White Enamel
VIVA Double Curved Ring with Diamonds and White Enamel
VIVA Double Curved Ring with Diamonds and White Enamel
VIVA Double Curved Ring with Diamonds and White Enamel
VIVA Double Curved Ring with Diamonds and White Enamel

VIVA Double Curved Ring with Diamonds and White Enamel


正常价格 €5,100.00
Tax included.
  • 4 周内为您定制

这款戒指采用 18K 玫瑰金打造,精密典雅,彰显奢华永恒的魅力。戒指镶嵌约 0.96 克拉的闪亮钻石,璀璨夺目,毫不费力地吸引了众人的目光。钻石经过精心镶嵌,提升了戒指的整体美感,为任何搭配都增添了一丝精致。

VIVA Double Curved 戒指采用独特的弧形设计,打造出动感十足的造型,美轮美奂地环绕在您的手指上。


长度:35 毫米